Monday, April 17, 2006

Nervous Day

Well, I stayed in bed late again. At some point the cat decided to climb in the bed next to me and eventually I was nearly out or room. Just as well. I had a teriyaki bowl for brunch. Need to eat more, probably will help my nervousness. I installed the two new fans for the bathrooms this afternoon. It wasn't as easy as just dropping one in but a bit of cleverness and observation and now they're in place. I wish they were quieter but these aren't for me, but for whoever gets the house next.

Need a break for food. Will write more.

HOLY CRAP. It's after 8pm. Brother called and says SIL need to pay Mother's taxes today! $1200! And I'm like OMG. So I ran next door to borrow the software from the neighbor so I can file and pay it today. I really hope I've got enough money to stretch! Taxes are due by midnight. Jeebus. Waiting for SIL to send me the form stuff. :P

I got it done with a couple hours to spare. What a mess. I have no idea how Mother ended up owing that much. That will have to be very carefully scrutinized. I'll be broke soon at this rate of having to pay for so many things. Gah. I'm feeling tired but wanted to chat with the Duckie. He probably won't appear for another hour or two and I'm already struggling with sleep demands. At least my stomach has unknotted itself. The kitty was sleeping in the patio/sunroom the last I knew. Poor thing seems confused.

Brother called about getting an advance on inherited money. The example he was given was to get $10,000, they will charge the estate $17,000! Yes! Their fee is 70%!! That is mafia-sized numbers! Unbelievable. Might be necessary though. There's a lot of uncertainty right now. The taxes had gone up 33% from the last figure I was told instead of down! I think I will sleep. World will go away while I sleep. Very tired. Money is evil. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like $1199 for SIL's fat cake-stuffing pie hole and $1 for the taxman!