Friday, July 14, 2006

Neverending Day?

It is about 20 until 2pm on Friday. I am still up! Yay me?

I've taken two walks in the neighborhood today. One this morning and a later one this afternoon so I could clear my head and take photos. In between that I chatted with the neighbor a bit. I heard a noise outside so I investigated. He was sanding more patchwork that he is doing where termites attacked his house.

I had decided to paint the master bathroom on a whim? I had just put up my painter's tape and was cursing for losing my white waterproof caulking. I did eventually find it. It was mocking me for days under an empty grocery bag? Evil!

Oh! I took apart my brad nailer/nail gun to see if there was anything obviously wrong. There wasn't so I put the parts back together and tested it. *BANG* went a nail into my test scrap. *BANG* again. I guess I fixed it. Yay me. That was worthy of a free petting. Saved myself $50. I did briefly think I could get away with an exchange if I bought a new one but that was not so appealing. Not very ethical! I'll prolly end up the most ethical destitute person as the rate I'm going. Bad me?

What next? I found the old pix of Duckie's house! I will look at those again when I'm less tired. I think I need a small meal. It's so HOT today. Ugh. I put hook up and hung a tarp on the front porch to try to cut back the direct sun. Plus, if I had to be outside to saw wood or something I wanted some shade.

Instead I shower in my own sweat trapped in a window-less closet known as the master bathroom! It is small? Maybe 12 sq meters, maybe less? Anyway, I didn't paint the ceiling. I think I'll just clean it. There aren't the stains that the center bathroom had although I'm pretty sure the master bathroom was painted twice since the center was. Well, before I painted them this year I mean.

Kitty is confused and doesn't like the heat. She is lounging a lot. I don't blame her! I should lounge too but instead I take walks in mid-day sun on hot day! Mother would have told me to sleep. Now I am bored? It is h-o-t. Almost 3pm. Master bathroom is closed. Catbox is outside its door now while paint dries. This isn't the end of the Master bathroom painting. It might need a second coat and plus I have that vanity cabinet and moulding to paint. I don't think I'll do those today?

I will go fetch fooding...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you dunk kitty in a bath of ice cold water?

I'm sure she'll love the coolness.