Monday, July 17, 2006

Can I Scream?

Well, I got up today about... hmm, I don't know when. It was warm but there was a cool breeze in the window. I did... again, I don't know. So I thought I would do moulding today. I cut a few pieces of quarter round which are colored to match the tile but I didn't like the look. I took photos and was going to get feedback from Brother. Then I said "bah" and changed what we had agreed on yesterday. I cut the fancy moulding that's used in the hall and dining and now master bath. Well, -- STOP!

I remember, I went on roof and sprayed lithium grease on the vents I though one was squeaking. Later I found out it was the tarp I put up for extra shade on the patio where I do most of my hand sawing. So that had meant going out in sun, fetching extension ladder, climbing ladder, walking over roof, spraying one-two-three vents, getting down, putting ladder away... blah, blah and here it wasn't those vents anyway.

So back to the moulding... I decided to do that. I put vinyl under the kitchen cabinets where they meet the flooring. It really doesn't show which is fine. What else... last night I put another coat of paint on central bath ceiling. I noticed on Sunday is still looked like a blotchy mess after three coats. I haven't inspected it today. I'm not sure I dare?

Kitty has been outside this evening. Saw neighbor long enough for him to tell how he was mad about having to fetch not only grandson but his teammates to take them home in change of plans! He was making dinner for his wife and she didn't know who he was today. *sigh*

The grandma whose plumbing I worked one is apparently having a birthday tomorrow! Might mean crowd. So for one piece of the moulding I had to so I lugged the table saw out into the walkway so it would be standing level. Those saws are heavy! I'm surprise there are no wheels? Neighbor said there are rats in yard next to his. He said he saw them on the fence and they were eating grease from the BBQ in that yard. Fun! Hopefully they'll not come here? I have nothing to feed them except my toes?

I heated food but haven't fetched it. Maybe it will improve my mood. I'm getting more and more downbeat. *sigh*

Anyway I will go back to using pliers to hold tiny nails while I hammer them in. That will add to the time! But I guess it's mostly OK. I will get food now. Maybe blog later?

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