Saturday, March 18, 2006

Weekend Tiredness...

I slept OK but I'm tired now. I have only had a blueberry muffin so it's probably time for a late lunch. I've been cleaning out this room the past several hours. I swirled up some dust and kicked off my allergies but that seems settled. There hasn't been nearly the rain expected which isn't a bad thing. The cat is on my bed.

I do feel like I've been dragged behind a car. It's 3pm so mail should be arriving in the next hour. Let's hope for something good.

It's 11pm now. Mail was silly in that Mother got a life insurance offer from a company who has been sent a death certificate. It's silliness like this which makes it almost amusing. Sorted papers for hours and hours. The cat has been hanging out on Mother's bed. I feel bad for the cat. Pff. I feel bad for both of us. This is hard. I re-ripped some CDs because I had deleted most of my mp3 collection last month without realizing.

Watched a couple of short films late this evening. Brother is supposed to come over tomorrow, I had considered planning an agenda but I haven't gotten around to that. Maybe before I pass out I'll mull what we want to accomplish. Part of it depends on weather since they can't make up their minds if rain will hang around or not. I got a notice about the "standard business hold" on the deposit. What a bizarre practice.

I'm tired, I ate today but not really a lot. However, I feel like I'm fattening up. I think I'll turn in. I just mentioned to Leon if I turn in early, brother will arrived at noon. If I stay up late, he'll be here at 9am. Would've been nice to have a vague notion of an ETA. Am I not too cynical to wonder whether he'll actually show up?

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