Friday, March 17, 2006

Bah. Incompetence Ruins Day?

Guy from the car insurance called this morning. I told him about the hood alignment and driver door jamb / trim dent problem. He'll follow up with brother. Nice enough guy, if impatient. Considering I was on the toilet when the phone rang he should be glad I rushed off to pick up.

The mail pissed me off. A billing statement came. It said last month's payment is "past due" and wants double for this month. Didn't do any good for my blood pressure. This is bullshit because I paid that bill for the estate three days before it was due.

I called multiple customer service numbers and was eventually directed to the bank which issues the credit card since the account is in "probate." That department closes at 3pm (Eastern) on Fridays and aren't open weekends so I can't get any information until Monday. 3pm! That's noon in CA. What kind of a day is that? Bastards!

This is the same company that has already contacted a collection agent. The lawyer has all that info; I've had no contact with the collection agent. Sent copies of the new statement to the lawyer along with the old statement and copy of the draft used to pay the supposedly "past due" bill. Fuckers are tormenting me, I swear!

Mother got a sample ballot. I called the registrar of voters and was told to mark her ballot "deceased" and send it back. That women sounded as bright as a 10 watt bulb. This wasn't an issue with Father, he was automatically removed from the voter rolls when his death certificate was issued. Cataloged some things today. It was boring but the photos turned out OK. I found the watch my brother has been pestering about.

Needed to unwind tonight. Not sure I've done that. It's too fucking quiet in the house. It's uncomfortable.

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