Monday, May 15, 2006


Well it's after 2am on Monday. I made it through Mother's Day. It's a bit chilly tonight, I've got a blanket draped around my shoulders but it's making me sneeze. Probably too much cat hair. That's my excuse anyway. Loitering a bit to see if Duckie will show up. We haven't chatted in almost 10 days. *sigh*

It's noon, I put out the bins and am cooking a frozen spaghetti thing for breakfast. I'm sneezing again. Grrr. Not sure what I'll get done today. I'm not really feeling a lot of desire to be outside tilling. My sunburns are still sore. The cat abandoned me for Mother's bed. Wonder if she realized it's anniversary day or maybe I thrashed around too much. I slept restlessly. I had some dream about clearing the garage of wood full of nails and then wandering about on the street trying to get rid of the stuff. Too close to reality! Ha-ha. I should be dreaming nice, happy things. *sigh*

Food is ready. I'll fetch it and chow down. I probably should do groceries again soonish. That irritates me because money is still short because of all the extra costs I've endured. I still can't believe that tax bill. Duckie had an idea that I could bill the estate for my handyman labor. That isn't a bad idea. I wonder if Brother would go for that?

It's nearly 3pm. Still moody. Hungry, probably should eat another meal. I put in some undercabinet lighting. Two of three. The third is broken and needs replacing. It's always something, isn't it? Grrr. It looks good though. Mother would be pleased. She and I got these lights for this purpose, I just didn't get them installed soon enough for her to see them.

The lawyer emailed that she will fill out the property tax forms and send them to me for signature, copy and mailing. She is cc'ing the SIL because I guess that's the only email she has for Brother/SIL?

Not done much today because I've been depressive. It's 20 minutes until 5pm. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I saw the neighbor for a couple minutes outside, scrapped some weeds trying to come up out of the sidewalk. Mail had my credit card bill and bank statement. Those brought to home my complete lack of funds for next month. Email from the lawyer says she will fill out the forms and mail them to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It soooo hasn't been 10 days!