Brother said the school has asked them to send her to school with smaller lunch because she eats so slowly. Even a half sandwich takes her an hour! She didn't eat half of her lunch so we took it back to the van. I half-said she could have it for dinner. I guess Brother has made a rule that if she doesn't finish her school lunch she has to finish it for dinner. It is OK idea.
Niece road in stroller two and from parking and part of time for air show. She got to put on helmet and flack vest, crawl on tank and visit different helos and fixed wings. We visited a mobile aircraft control tower like used in Iraq. I was most interested in the Osprey, a new aircraft intended to replace helos for the Marines. It has tilt wings and propellers so it can land and take off like a helo and fly light a prop plane. It's been under development for about 20 years. It's been a difficult vehicle to make work but they 'think' they got the bugs finally ironed out. While the main demonstration event was happening I took a walk and found they had an Osprey on the ground for people to tour. There was no line, so I sat in it for a bit. I was surprised it wasn't painted a flat grey so common for other military aircraft but had a two tone blue-grey metallic flake appearance. It is nice looking? I would buy one? They cost too much though (~$40m).
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