Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday, Longest Day!

It is Wednesday and I've been told that is the longest day of the year (for us Northern Hemisphere folk). I hope it is good day?

Watch "Straight Jacket" tonight. It's a cute comedy set in the 50's. I thought Mother could've found some of the lines to be funny when I heard them. Can't share the movie wif Mother tho. :(

Not sure if I'll stay up tonight. Perhaps awhile.

I stayed up. Talked to Duckie just a little bit. Then I slept. Was scared out of my brain by the telephone during 7am hour! By the time I found the phone, answering machine had taken the call. It was the realtor wanting to set up an appointment to visit house again to see status. Annoyed and disoriented, I then went back to bed. I got up a few times but just didn't feel good so I lounged until close to 2pm. I got up but haven't really accomplished anything today. I went outside later with a meal. I finally ate around 3pm. And ate again just now at 6pm. Might be feeling better but I think maybe I shouldn't have just removed the sides of the block of cheese when I noticed what might've been mold. It tasted OK but I probably shouldn't have done that. Mother would've done it though. She wasn't around to share the cheese like we always did. :/

Still no sign of Brother. Neighbor mowed his lawn and chatted a few minutes. His grandson stayed at friend's house last night and wasn't home to go to grocery this morning so neighbor was annoyed since grandson has complained about "nothing to eat." I think he's also not overjoyed with the added things to do such as feeding extra person and driving him to practice daily. Hopefully he won't get too overstressed.

I think I'm kind of irritated with circumstance. I feel like I'm being stretched on a torture rack but without the benefit of enjoying it? *sigh* Father used to joke of wanting a rack to work out body tension. Not sure why the bottom fell out in my mood today. Lots of isolation? True, there is much internal conflict that I am avoiding? Maybe I should nap. That seems to work for kitty! She was angry again. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Neighbours grandson hot?

You should drive him! Maybe you could get lucky and score some hot backseat sex??