It was "Barry Gibb" (of the "Bee Gees") night. Two songs each for a total of eight performances.
Simon told Lakisha she and Blake are at risk for elimination. Jordin (OMG SHE'S SEVENTEEN!!!) was not that impressive. One day she might be but she just isn't there now and I was again sorry she is being pushed into the finals. Some time back, Simon predicted Melinda vs. Jordin (17!). That's a terrible outcome. Even after all these weeks Melinda hasn't embraced "stardom" and tonight Simon said her first performance was like that of a background singer.
LaKisha really had a good range and is a little better grip on herself but has problems with consistency. By the time she hit the last note on her second song her voice was worn out.
I will assume Blake will be sent home on Wednesday and I can ignore Idol next week. Why? He's a guy, he's from the Pacific Northwest and there's no way he can compete in a shouting match with the Three Divas. His performances were not his best work which was a let down. Maybe he set the bar a little too high for himself with last week's performance.
Hoping for a break after a hot day, it was a dreary night of TV. Bah humbug.
Edit:, the site which measures busy signal frequency to predict Idol results has Blake at the top followed by Jordin (predicting both to be safe) with Melinda and LaKisha on the bubble for tomorrow night. Fascinating.
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