Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday Sundries

I've had a battle with a cold or allergies most of this week. Friday I was feeling better. There was not one actual sneeze but I expect that's about to be broken any moment. I just changed the litter box so kitty can be happy another week.

Because I was under the weather, I ordered groceries. The only item that didn't come was the cat food. They were out of that item and I didn't approve a substitution. It's OK. She isn't out of food yet. I didn't get any treats like ice cream; no sales.

The damned delivery came on exact time again. I was just finishing up in the bathroom when I heard the refrigeration unit on the truck outside. I had the same delivery driver. The poor deep freeze could not hold another item. Well, there's the sneezing. I don't know if it's litter dust or the ceiling fan so I turned off the fan.

Duckie's been scarcely online this week. I got a couple birthday cards out into the mail this week. Muz has been on holiday for a week already and Leon is on the very of his Tokyo holiday this week.

TV has been pretty uneventful. Greek wrapped up it's first season with a record audience for the channel.

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