Instead of waiting for him, I walked up to the house anyway.
We were going to lay tile in the dining. I checked the carpet put down in RL's room and it stuck. I then vacuumed in the room. First, we needed to clear out the niece's room and disassemble Father's deathbed for pick up tomorrow. Mother would be pleased to see it go. While we were doing that, the SIL arrived. "Mullet-man," who had put the bamboo flooring in the master was still working on the pantry. She tended to some painting in RL's room. None of the rooms she painted have been finished.
We cleared out the dining room, ready to start on the tile. The SIL got huffy. And said, "Don't do that! "Mullet-man" will want to prep it. OK, at this point I'm like WTF? He costs $60/hr. Brother had managed to talk her out of using Mullet-man to blow up the wall between lounge and dining. He'd been working on the pantry for days now. I'm not saying it won't be nice, only that it's slow moving and they want to move in this weekend. Yes, really. Seriously. No kidding!
There's only bare concrete. The SIL thinks "Mullet-man" would wash it with paint thinner like he did the master. Well, I doubt he would because he was gluing the hardwood to that floor. This is done differently. But let's assume he does it that way. She's moving in this weekend. A dining room full of paint thinner will be wonderful for the children, don't you think? Yes. I thought so too.
I admit I said a few things. I reminded her that we can do the work. I wondered why I was even there. I was insulted, really. Part of her argument is "Mullet-man" "needs the work" but they aren't running a charity! Brother is not with limitless funding and time matters.
Before this bit came about Brother notices the red wine was missing from the rack. It had been put in the fridge. You don't chill red wine but not before I realized that's where it had gone I noted my fridge full of food had been thrown out after i was told to go leave it there by SIL. :( Even "Mullet-man's" food was thrown out! SIL denied knowledge of any of this. It was her friend who did it. UGH!
Along the way I pinched the skin on my left pointer finger between a hammer and pry-bar trying to get a nail out. It didn't bruise as badly I was feared. (Did I just hear a cry from Duckie for pix?) I tried to figure why WiFi wasn't working at the house and narrowed it down to the cable modem. The laptop could see the router both via ethernet and WiFi and direct connecting to the modem made no difference. Since they didn't have a computer there to test it when installed, I said just call and have them replace the modem.
While I was troubling shooting the WiFi (that would be SIL's laptop, btw) SIL decided to run off in a snit. I think she blamed me for causing trouble. No doubt. There I go trying to bring some rationality to her insane world. The shame of it all! Brother was not happy that she was dashing off.
Neither of us knew that to do. She wanted to lounge cleared for the carpet cleaner coming tomorrow. HUH??? So, we have four carpeted rooms, they can't have anything if they're being cleaned. Dining room? No, it has no floor and you don't want to impede a floor going in. What about the niece's room? Well, that bed needs to be moved out so you can fill it up. That would leave the master which "Mullet-man" was working in!! I guess there's the roof. Or let's haul it to the apt. (I'm kidding about that last one, Duckie.)
Anyway, I wasted a day, lost food and the topper was coming back to a PC saying, 'RED ALERT! HD is crashing! Quick! Back up!' That was my day.
Edited to add this: I finally caught up to "Ugly Betty" this week. It sucked. This was probably the lamest show of the season. On Idol, I'm glad to see Blake will be back again this coming week for the Top 10. Unlike the judges I preferred his change up on "You Keep Me Hanging On" from last week although he picked the right song for his voice this week. He still needs to work on his vocal control.